Perform a swap
We'll utilize Universal Router from infinity-universal-router to handle swaps.
The topic would include:
- Universal Router and Permit2 integration
- Universal Router execution flow
- List of commands
- Example to perform a swap
1. Universal Router and Permit2 integration
UniversalRouter integrates with Permit2
For the frontend, this means that any operation involving token transfers from the user requires the user to sign a permit message and include that signature in the permit command.
bytes memory commands = abi.encodePacked(
bytes1(uint8(Commands.PERMIT2_PERMIT)), // permit2 command
bytes[] memory inputs = new bytes[](2);
inputs[0] = abi.encode(IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle permitSingle, bytes signature); // permit2 input with user's signature
inputs[1] = abi.encode(...v2 swap input);
universalRouter.execute(commands, inputs);
For solidity contract calls to Universal Router, make sure to first call permit2.approve
to authorize the router.
// function permit(address owner, PermitSingle memory permitSingle, bytes calldata signature) external;
// example infinite approval to universalRouter
permit2.approve(tokenAddress, address(universalRouter), type(uint160).max, type(uint48).max);
2. Universal Router execution flow
Universal Router expose 2 key functions:
// Executes encoded commands along with provided inputs. Reverts if deadline has expired.
function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs, uint256 deadline);
// Executes encoded commands along with provided inputs.
function execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs);
Both functions are similar, with the first function including an additional deadline
field. The transaction will revert if block.timestamp > deadline
The first parameter bytes calldata commands
is a list of commands to execute. Each command is encoded in 1 byte, containing the following split of 8 bits:
0 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
flag | command |
:- if set as
and the command revert, the entire transaction will revert. - if set as
and the command revert, the transaction will continue. This allows for partial fills, but be cautious and ensure there are subsequent commands to handle any remaining funds in the Universal Router.
- if set as
:- a 7 bit unique identifier. A list of commands can be found in Commands.sol and this document.
Commands inputs
The second parameter, bytes[] calldata input
, is an array of byte strings. Each element in this array contains the ABI-encoded input data corresponding to the specific command being executed.
Given commands = 0x0a00
, it would mean 2 commands processed in order:
With 2 commands, it would mean bytes[] calldata input
of length 2.
: abi-encoded params ofPERMIT2_PERMIT
: abi-encoded params ofV3_SWAP_EXACT_IN
3. List of commands and input
This section document the list of commands and its input. A list of commands can be found in Commands.sol.
Perform a exactIn swap with PCS v3 pool
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountIn; // amountIn
uint256 amountOutMin; // revert if amout out is lesser than amountOutMin
bytes path; // eg. (token0->token1): bytes memory path = abi.encodePacked(token1(), fee(), token0());
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
Perform a exactOut swap with PCS v3 pool
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountOut; // amountOut
uint256 amountInMax; // revert if amountIn is more than amountInMax
bytes path; // eg. (token0->token1): bytes memory path = abi.encodePacked(token1(), fee(), token0());
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
Facilitate the transfer of ERC-20 tokens from a user’s wallet to a specified recipient, using the Permit2 smart contract
address token; // token to transfer
address recipient; // recipient
uint160 amount; // amount
Allow users to approve multiple token allowances in a single transaction.
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitBatch calldata permitBatch; // see IAllowanceTransfer for struct detail
bytes calldata data; // signature for the permit
Collect or "sweep" tokens from the contract and send them to a specified recipient
address token; // token to sweep
address recipient; // sweep to recipient
uint160 amountMin; // revert if token balance in contract is lesser than amountMin
Transfer a specified amount of tokens (or ETH) from the contract to a designated recipient
address token; // token to transfer
address recipient; // transfer to recipient
uint256 value; // amount of token to transfer
Transfer a portion of its balance of a specified ERC-20 token (or ETH) to a recipient, based on a percentage defined in basis points (where 1 basis point = 0.01%)
address token; // token to transfer
address recipient; // transfer to recipient
uint256 bips; // 10_000 = 100%, 1000 = 10%
Perform a exactIn swap with PCS v2 pool
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountIn; // amountIn
uint256 amountOutMin; // revert if amout out is lesser than amountOutMin
address[] path; // eg. (token0->token1): path[0] = token0, path[1] = token1
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
Perform a exactOut swap with PCS v2 pool
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountOut; // amountOut
uint256 amountInMax; // revert if amountIn is more than amountInMax
address[] path; // eg. (token0->token1): path[0] = token0, path[1] = token1
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
Allow users to approve token allowances in a single transaction.
IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle calldata permitSingle; // see IAllowanceTransfer for struct detail
bytes calldata data; // signature for the permit
Convert Ether (ETH) into Wrapped Ether (WETH)
address recipient; // recipient after conversion
uint256 amount; // revert if amount to wrap is less than amount
Convert Wrapped ETH (WETH) into Ether (ETH)
address recipient; // recipient after conversion
uint256 amountMin; // revert if ETH amount in contract is less than amountMin
Facilitate batch transfer of ERC-20 tokens using the Permit2 smart contract.
// see IAllowanceTransfer for struct detail
IAllowanceTransfer.AllowanceTransferDetails[] calldata batchDetails;
Verify the balance of a specific ERC-20 token held by an address
address owner; // address to check
address token; // token to check
uint256 minBalance; // revert if token.balanceOf(owner) <= minBalance
Perform a swap on Infinity - see example of performing a swap below.
bytes payload;
Approve an NFT. This should only be used for v3 to Infinity migration. If only this command is done, it means others can decrease your v3 NFT liquidity and take your token.
bytes data;
data = abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC721Permit.permit.selector,
address spender, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);
Make a call to v3 NonFungiblePositionManager. The only methods available to call are decreaseLiquidity, collect and burn.
bytes data;
// 'data' varies depending on which method of the v3 NonFungiblePositionManager is being called
// example 1: decrease
IV3NonfungiblePositionManager.DecreaseLiquidityParams memory decreaseParams =
tokenId: tokenId,
liquidity: liqudiity,
amount0Min: 0,
amount1Min: 0,
deadline: block.timestamp
input[i] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IV3NonfungiblePositionManager.decreaseLiquidity.selector, decreaseParams);
// example 2: collect
IV3NonfungiblePositionManager.CollectParams memory collectParam =
tokenId: v3TokenId,
recipient: address(router),
amount0Max: type(uint128).max,
amount1Max: type(uint128).max
input[i] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IV3NonfungiblePositionManager.collect.selector, collectParam);
Make a call to Infinity cl position manager.
bytes data;
// 'data' varies depending on which action of Infinity position manager
// example: calling CL MINT_POSITION action
PoolKey memory clPoolKey;
int24 tickLower;
int24 tickUpper;
Plan memory planner = Planner.init();
planner.add(Actions.CL_MINT_POSITION, abi.encode(clPoolKey, tickLower, tickUpper, 1 ether, 10 ether, 10 ether, alice, ""));
// remember to add settlement action
input[i] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IPositionManager.modifyLiquidities.selector, planner.encode(), block.timestamp);
Make a call to Infinity BinPositionManager.
bytes data;
// 'data' varies depending on which action of Infinity position manager
// example: calling BIN_ADD_LIQUIDITY action:
Plan memory planner = Planner.init();
// addParam would be IBinPositionManager.BinAddLiquidityParams
planner.add(Actions.BIN_ADD_LIQUIDITY, abi.encode(addParams));
// remember to add settlement action
input[i] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IPositionManager.modifyLiquidities.selector, planner.encode(), block.timestamp);
Perform an exactIn with PCS StableSwap
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountIn; // amountIn
uint256 amountOutMin; // revert if amout out is lesser than amountOutMin
address[] path; // eg. (token0->token1): path[0] = token0, path[1] = token1
uint256[] flag; // eg. flag[0] = 2 indicate StableSwapTwoPool, 3 = indicate StableSwapThreePool
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
Perform an exactOut with PCS StableSwap
address recipient; // recipient of output token
uint256 amountOut; // amountOut
uint256 amountInMax; // revert if amountIn is more than amountInMax
address[] path; // eg. (token0->token1): path[0] = token0, path[1] = token1
uint256[] flag; // eg. flag[0] = 2 indicate StableSwapTwoPool, 3 = indicate StableSwapThreePool
bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from sender, else take token from contract
4. Example of performing a swap in Infinity
When performing a swap in Infinity, the command to use is: INFI_SWAP
For both CL and Bin pool, the following are supported:
- exactInSingle and exactIn (for multi-hop)
- exactOutSingle and exactOut (for multi-hop)
For details on the parameters required for each swap type refer to CLRouterBase.sol for the concentrated liquidity pool and IBinRouterBase for the Bin pools.
For the examples below:
- Assume permit2 approval has been given, and the smart contract is trying to call universal router to swap.
- We will use Planner which is a helper class to build actions for Infinity.
Example 1: Swap exactInSingle with CL pool type
// step 1: build the Infinity swap param
ICLRouterBase.CLSwapExactInputSingleParams memory params =
poolKey: poolKey, // struct which determine the poolKey
zeroForOne: true, // if true, means 0->1 else 1->0
amountIn: amountIn, // amountIn
amountOutMinimum: 0, // minAmountOut, ideally it should not be 0
hookData: "" // hook data
// Step 2: build the Infinity payload
Plan plan = Planner.init();
plan.add(Actions.CL_SWAP_EXACT_IN_SINGLE, abi.encode(params));
bytes memory data = plan.finalizeSwap(poolKey.currency0, poolKey.currency1, ActionConstants.MSG_SENDER);
// step 3: build command/input
bytes memory commands = abi.encodePacked(bytes1(uint8(Commands.INFI_SWAP)));
bytes[] memory inputs = new bytes[](1);
inputs[0] = data;
// Step 4: call universal router
router.execute(commands, inputs);
Example 2 Swap exactInSingle with 2 pool type
Swap includes:
- Swap exactInSingle token0 -> token1 via CL
- Swap exactInSingle token1 -> token2 via Bin
// step 1: build the Infinity swap param
ICLRouterBase.CLSwapExactInputSingleParams memory clParam =
poolKey: poolKey0, // struct which determine the poolKey
zeroForOne: true, // if true means 0->1 else 1->0
amountIn: amountIn, // amountIn
amountOutMinimum: 0, // minAmountOut, ideally it should not be 0
hookData: "" // hook data
IBinRouterBase.BinSwapExactInputSingleParams memory binParam =
poolKey: poolKey1, // struct which determine the poolKey
swapForY: true, // if true means 0->1 else 1->0
amountIn: ActionConstants.OPEN_DELTA,
amountOutMinimum: 0, // minAmountOut, ideally it should not be 0
hookData: "" // hook data
// step 2: build the Infinity payload with CL token0->token1 and Bin token1->token2
Plan plan = Planner.init();
plan.add(Actions.CL_SWAP_EXACT_IN_SINGLE, abi.encode(clParam));
plan.add(Actions.BIN_SWAP_EXACT_IN_SINGLE, abi.encode(binParam));
bytes memory data = plan.finalizeSwap(poolKey0.currency0, poolKey1.currency1, ActionConstants.MSG_SENDER);
// step 3: build command/input
bytes memory commands = abi.encodePacked(bytes1(uint8(Commands.INFI_SWAP)));
bytes[] memory inputs = new bytes[](1);
inputs[0] = data;
// Step 4: call universal router
router.execute(commands, inputs);