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Manage liquidity for CL and Bin pool

We'll utilize the periphery contracts from infinity-periphery to manage liqudity.

The topic would include:

  1. Permit2 integration
  2. PositionManager execution flow
  3. Type of cl pool liquidity actions (CLPositionManager)
  4. Type of bin pool liquidity actions (BinPositionManager)
  5. Type of settlement actions (applicable for both pool type)

1. Permit2 integration

Both CLPositionManager and BinPositionManager integrates with Permit2


For the frontend, this means that any operation involving token transfers from the user requires the user to sign a permit message and include that signature in the multiCall.


bytes[] memory calls = new bytes[](2);
// signature from user
calls[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IAllowanceTransfer.Permit.selector, owner, PermitSingle permitSIngle, bytes signature);
// modifyLiquidites call - explained in next section
calls[1] = abi.encodeWithSelector(IPositionManager.modifyLiquidities.selector, abi.encode(...));

For solidity contract calls to PositionManager, make sure to first call permit2.approve to authorize the position manager.

// call permit2.approve(address token, address spender, uint160 amount, uint48 expiration);
// example infinite approval to clPositionManager
permit2.approve(tokenAddress, address(clPositionManager), type(uint160).max, type(uint48).max));

2. PositionManager execution flow

If you are familar with Universal Router, PositionManager follows the same approach (one method, with actions and params).

// @notice Unlocks Vault and batches actions for modifying liquidity
function modifyLiquidities(bytes calldata payload, uint256 deadline) external payable;
// @notice Batches actions for modifying liquidity without getting a lock from vault
function modifyLiquiditiesWithoutLock(bytes calldata actions, bytes[] calldata params) external payable;

The bytes calldata payload in modifyLiquidities is abi.encode(actions, params) of the input in modifyLiquiditiesWithoutLock(bytes calldata actions, bytes[] calldata params)

  • List of actions can be found in Actions.sol. Actions includes liquidity related CL_INCREASE_LIQUIDITY or settlement related such as SETTLE_PAIR.

  • bytes[] params is an array of bytes string. Each element in the array is the abi-encoded input for each respective action.

Given actions = 0x021212, it would mean 3 actions processed in order:


With 3 actions, it would mean bytes[] params of length = 3.

  1. params[0] = abi encoded param of CL_MINT_POSITION action
  2. params[1] = abi encoded param of CLOSE_CURRENCY action
  3. params[2] = abi encoded param of CLOSE_CURRENCY action


This example tries to mint a position with CLPositionManager and uses Planner which is a helper class to build actions.

PoolKey memory clPoolKey;
int24 tickLower;
int24 tickUpper;
// Assume other field such as liquidity and amount0Max are present
Plan memory planner = Planner.init();
// For each action to add, call planner.add 
planner.add(ACTIONS.CL_MINT_POSITION, abi.encode(clPoolKey, tickLower, tickUpper, liquidity, amount0Max, amount1Max, recipient, hookData));
// finalizeModifyLiquidityWithClose is a helper method to add CLOSE_CURRENCY actions for both currencies  
bytes memory payload = planner.finalizeModifyLiquidityWithClose(config.poolKey)
uint256 deadline = block.timestamp;
clPositionManager.modifyLiquidities(payload, deadline);

3. Type of CL pool liquidity actions (CLPositionManager)

Below list down CL pool related actions and its associated params.


Mint a new position

  PoolKey poolKey; // struct which determine the poolKey 
  int24 tickLower; // tickLower for the position
  int24 tickUpper; // tickUpper for the position
  uint256 liquidity; // the amount of liquidity to increase
  uint128 amount0Max; // max amount0, revert if amount0 exceeds amount0Max
  uint128 amount1Max; // max amount1, revert if amount1 exceeds amount1Max
  address owner; // owner to recieve the minted NFT  
  bytes hookData: // hook data to pass to hook, or empty bytes if nothing to pass


Burn the NFT and automatically decrease liquidity to 0 if the position is not already empty.

  uint256 tokenId; // the NFT tokenId to burn
  uint128 amount0Min; // min amount0, revert if less than amount0Min is removed
  uint128 amount1Min: min amount1, revert if less than amount1Min is removed
  bytes hookData: // hook data to pass to hook, or empty bytes if nothing to pass


Increase liquidity from existing position

  uint256 tokenId; // the NFT tokenId to increase liquidity 
  uint256 liquidity; // the amount of liquidity to increase
  uint128 amount0Max; // max amount0, revert if more than amount0Max is added
  uint128 amount1Max: max amount1, revert if more than amount1Max is added
  bytes hookData: // hook data to pass to hook, or empty bytes if nothing to pass


Decrease liquidity from existing position

  uint256 tokenId; // the NFT tokenId to decrease liquidity 
  uint256 liquidity; // the amount of liquidity to decrease
  uint128 amount0Min; // min amount0, revert if less than amount0Min is removed
  uint128 amount1Min: min amount1, revert if less than amount1Min is removed
  bytes hookData: // hook data to pass to hook, or empty bytes if nothing to pass

4. Type of Bin pool liquidity actions (BinPositionManager)

Add liqudiity, will mint the correspond ERC-1155 token.


IBinPositionManager.BinAddLiquidityParams {
  PoolKey poolKey; // struct which identify the pool
  uint128 amount0; // amount of token0 
  uint128 amount1;  // amount of token1 
  uint128 amount0Min; // min amount of token0, revert if required token is lesser
  uint128 amount1Min; // min amount of token1, revert if required token is lesser
  uint256 activeIdDesired; // active id preferred when adding liquidity
  uint256 idSlippage; // max slippage on active id, revert if activeId changes more than idSlippage value
  int256[] deltaIds; // list of delta ids to add liquidity (deltaId = activeId - desiredId). see helper method convertToRelative above
  uint256[] distributionX; // distribution of token0 with sum(distributionX) = 100e18 (100%)
  uint256[] distributionY; // distribution of token1 with sum(distributionY) = 100e18 (100%)
  address to; // address of recipient to receive the 1155 token which represent ownership of liquidity


Remove liquidity, will burn the corresponding ERC-1155 token.

IBinPositionManager.BinRemoveLiquidityParams {
  PoolKey poolKey; // struct which identify the pool
  uint128 amount0Min; // min amount of token0 to receive, revert if required token is lesser
  uint128 amount1Min; // min amount of token1 to receive, revert if required token is lesser
  uint256[] ids; // list of bin ids
  uint256[] amounts; // list of lquidity to remove for each bin
  address from; // Address of holder who owns the 1155 token

5. Type of settlement actions

These action are applicable for both CLPositionManager and BinPositionManager.


Pay and settle currency pair. User's token0 and token1 will be transferred from user and paid. This is commonly used for increase liquidity or mint action.

  Currency currency0; // address of currency0
  Currency currency1; // address of currency1


Take all amount owed from currency pair. Owed token0 and token1 will be transfered to to. This is commonly used for decrease liquidity or burn action.

  Currency currency0; // address of currency0
  Currency currency1; // address of currency1
  address to; // recipient of the tokens 


Pay and settle currency.

For amount, there are constants ActionConstants.

  • amount=ActionConstants.CONTRACT_BALANCE: amount will be currency.balance(positionManager)
  • amount=ActionConstants.OPEN_DELTA: amount will be the outstanding amount
  Currency currency; // address of currency to settle 
  uint256 amount; // amount to settle
  bool payerIsUser; // if true, transfer token from msgSender(), otherwise from positionManager 


Take all amount owed from currency.

For amount, there are constants ActionConstants.

  • amount=ActionConstants.OPEN_DELTA: amount will be the owed amount
  Currency currency; // address of currency to take 
  address recipient; // recipient of the token taken 
  uint256 amount; // amount to take


Close currency by either take or settle so debt is netted off. If take, token will be sent to caller, if settle, token will be transferred from caller.

  Currency currency; // currency to close 


Either take amount owed from currency or forfeit the amount.

Users might opt to forfeit as the gas cost might of erc20 transfer is higher than the amount taken.

  Currency currency; // currency to clear or take 
  uint256 amountMax; // forfeit if the amount to take is lesser than this 

6. Other actions


Transfer any outstanding token balance in positionManager to to.

  Currency currency; // currency to sweep
  address to; // recipient 


Wrap amount to WETH

  // set to ActionConstants.CONTRACT_BALANCE to wrap contract balance. 
  // set to ActionConstants.OPEN_DELTA to wrap delta balance
  uint256 amount; 


Unwrap amount

  // set to ActionConstants.CONTRACT_BALANCE to wrap contract balance. 
  // set to ActionConstants.OPEN_DELTA to wrap delta balance
  uint256 aount; 